Friday, February 27, 2009

children's world

Today, we woke up very early and than we ( neomi and me ) went to the art lesson.{ 8.15 to 10.30) After the art lesson, we went to the kindergarden where is been in Fjelstrup. We arrived the kindergarden at 11.00. When we arrived the kindergarden, children ate their lunch.First of all, we meet the kindergardens; activities rooms,garden and teachers.. Teachers were very polite, helpful,openmind,optimistic, jocund and very positive.And than we ate our lunch together and compared our kindergarden system.

And than we went to the kindergarden's director's room.But I shocked, because some pencils and some toys in her room and than ask ' why are they in here? '.She said, some children comes her room and play, drawing. sometimes children want to feel safely and stay very silence place so they come her room. When she was working here, they were playining. ' Also children can use all the rooms ( excep for cleaning room, washing room and hiding room ). It's very democratic.
what I learn?
-Kindergarden has 4 groups. But the group's ages are mix. And each groups has a teacher and an assistant teacher. It means, A teacher care to 4 or 5 children.It's perfect.And they have a timetable to follow their working time.( Gron group, gul group, blaa group, rod group.
After the lunch some children went to the sleeping. Some families want to this so their children went to the sleeping and the other children went to the garden.Because afternoon, when the families take the children, they are sleeping and they didnt spend time with their children. So they want to this. Its good idea.

-Individual learning is very important. So they use training opportunities. For example one child saw a horse and started the watch the horse. When the teacher saw this,She went to near the children and spoke about horse. Its very good method.So they didnt use daily plan. They only planed some natural trips, theaters,cinemas, swimmingpool, costum party... -Children are very free. Because of this method. And this method prepare them to primary school. But a few times ago! Because the primary school's system was changed. So now, when the children went to the primary school, some of them had some problems. Kindergartens are more democratic than primary school.

-Helpful habits! Teachers make a cake every Fredag. Every week, cooked another teacher. Its for the children and children's families. When the families come to pick up children, they went to the kitchen and ate cake and spoke the others children families and teacher. So They known, the teacher's personality characteristics. Its very important for families and teachers. -Families help the teachers for their children's education. For example, one child has a dad who is a policeman. He came to kindergarden and introduced his job to children. ıt s very nice. Because children always want to touch and see. So ıts very good experience for them. -Kindergarden has some special days. For example : grandparents day, sisters and brothers day.. these days, grandparents comes to kindergarden and they have some special activies together. I never heard this in my country. It s vey good idea. When I will return back, ı will try this activity. I think, ıt will be funny SFO : school free arrangement. ıts very good program but ıts very long to explain so ı share this program another time. I can only say, ıt s more expensive than kindergarden and ıts times is shorter than kindergarden. - Kindergarden price is 7.000 dkk for a month. It s very expensive but this education is very good. so ı think ıts ok for this kindergarden. -And kindergarden opens at summer. ıt closes at Christmas and weekends. We spoke about these.And than I went to garden to play with children. I join the children who are playing with sandy. They dont know English and I dont know Danish but the children are international, we played together and now ı have lots of sandy in my hair (: so time to say mojn !

^^the nexth time we will drawing and play musical instruments and do drama^^ so i will look forward to next time.......

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

erasmus 2009

My erasmus friends! It s a kind of miracle. 14 different person, different cultures are together. And I'm sure, when everybody will return the their country, nobody wont forget this place. A city.... with some memory..Haderslev is very special place for us. sometimes, very happy and sometimes sad.. but I 'm very happy to meet to you. We are very big family in here. Tak your friendly personalties.!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


music band: Cafe Anatolia ( from Turkey)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Little hands in Denmark

Kindergarden open at 6.30 and close at 16:45. But lots of childeren come to kindergarden at 9.oo And the children ages 2 to 9. Kindergarden have 3 groups; 2-3 ages, 4-5 ages, 5-6 ages. My group was 3 years old.
In Turkey, kindergardens open at 9.00, closed 18.00. Because the women usually work until 18.00. And we have very different system for ages and days. Ages system look like Danish system. And days system...we have 3 opinions for day. First total day ( 9.oo to 18.oo), half day in the morning ( 9.00 to 12.00), half day at afternoon ( 12.00 to 18.oo )
The Kindergarden's building was very old, looks like the others home. It has lots of small rooms.( playing room, kitchen, music room, meeting room for teachers and childrens families, small toilets for childeren, pedagogy room, a garden with same swings,slides)
When I arrived the Kındergarden, childen camed the kindergarden. And they ate some fruits together. My group has 16 childen. So my group has 2 teacher.Because childeren ages 2-3 so ıts very difficult. When the children finished their fruits, they went to play. Boys choosed to play with cars, puzzles and lego. Girls prefered to play Cındy babies, clothes,lego and puzzle too. Some children played on the table, some children play on the floor. Lots of children wore house shoes. The toilet and floor were very clean. And only one child known English. Another children spoke Danish and babies language (:
And than we went to the playing room and played a game. It was name 'hav hav'. childrens sit down shaped circle.One child came in the circle and lied the floor. Teacher cover the child with sheet. And than put a dog meal ( look like bone ) on the child. They started to say song. And than teacher gived to bone a child silently. After the song, the child who was in the circle, stand up. The others childeren was hiding their hands to their back. and child went their friend and said 'hav hav'. Looked friends hand. ıf the meal wasnt in the hand, tried another person. And they said some song about flying.
And we had a birthday party. Kamma' s was being 3 years old. Kamma went to out with teacher to put a flag in garden. I wached Kamma from the window with children. And than we had a big cake with milk. After the cake, children ate their lunch. ( Their family prepared for child at home. They have lunch boxes ) In the lunch boxes were fruits, sandwich, cucumbers, .... Childeren ate their lunch theirself. But they didnt use forks. Because they had very liitle hands and fingers (:
And the childrens mental developments were very high level. I understood it to children paiting.
Becuse normally for 2-3 years, only a head with hair nose and mouth. So i think ıts great for Danish children.
ı realy enjoy the spend my time in Kindergarden. So ı am waiting another visiting (:

toilet tragedy

In Turkey, we have a stopcok in the toilet for clean our bottom. But in Denmark, there isnt any stopcok in the toilet. First of all, when the your pee or shit finished, you must use toilet paper and than clean with water the last one dry your bottom with toilet paper (:
My first toilet, in the airport....
I tried to find stopcok (: but ı didnt found. So I thought, the toilet broken down. And ı went to the another toilet. I looked for stopcok, but there wasnt any stopcok! I thought, God was testing me.. because I had lots of problem about travelling. Anyway I wetn out the toilet, because I thought again, the toilet broken down. And I retentioned my pee for long time ( Kopenhagen to Haderslev ) when ı arrived to home,I went to the toilet quickly. But the same view was in my opposite. I understand there isnt any stopcok to clean my bottom... (:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

first day in denmark part 2

loneliness... ı spoke Turkish to myself and than cried. I lookeed my right and saw Canan. It was a miracle. She got on the train another wagon. I screamed and huged her. and than we tried to find true wagon. ( 20, wagon's number )we found we sleept. We arrived the Vojen. Picked up our suitcases and got into a bus. we went down to the bus at Haderslev bus station. We got into the taxi. We arrived Prestaagade 18. I ringed the bell. But nobody was at home? And than Canan saw a woman inside. She was cleaning. She opened the door. We were very happy. we needed some hot water and sleep. But the woman dont know English. And tried to us 'you must go out and come back 1.00 pm. We didnt understand anything. we went out. we went to school to speak Jette. and we meet Birgit and Tove. And returned back. I ringed the bell again, but nobody was at home again (: ı tried to open door. tı was open (: we came in the house. Waited some minutes. the bell ringed. ı opened the door. taxi driver! she said ' ıt must be your computer' ı schoked. ı forgot my computer in the taxi (: and she came back to give my computer. ı never forgot her (: and than we were waiting. another women ccame in and said hello! she was Lone who was our houseowner. but we conjecture the first women Lone. but the first women was cleaner (: and we were very happy. because Lone is very polite and friendly. and we said everting will be good...and sleeped. in my dream ı saw the taxi driver (:

first day in denmark part 1

music band : Almora ( from Turkey )

everbody say 'first day very important'.So i needed some help. My mum helped me. We choosed very pretty clothes and went to the hairdresser. But hairdresser did my hair very bad. We returned home and gived form to my hair again. And than went to the airport with my family. my family have very emotion persons. So before ı emplaned, we cried too much (: than arrived in kopenhagen... ı waited 6 hours in Kasturup ! because billet ticket shop opened 6.15 a.m. And in Kasturup, ı was very tired and hungry. My first communication...train ticket seller... said me ticket price... ı schoked! because ıt was very expensive. Anyway ı bought the ticket. Seller said to me, you must change train when you will arrive main station, when ı arrived the main station, ı asked somebody where is my station? nobody answered me (: ı found my station. But ı had a big problem again. because my station opposite myself. So ı must use the upstairs. first up, walk and down.. ı had very heavy suitcases (: and ı had only 10 minutes. ı picked a suitcase and up, walk, down.. returned and picked another suitcased and up, walk, down.. I run! I got on the train. but ı had two problem again...first, the man said ' you are in the wrong wagon' and second problem Canan didnt get on the train. because she picked only a suitcase in the train. now, ı had three suitcases and alone...

to be continued...