Saturday, March 28, 2009

art lesson- collage and all the works (:

everybody want to History!

I though, history lesson was not enough hour for us. And than ı wrote a mail to Jette. I know, she always carry about us so we had second last history lesson! Subject was second world war... He is very objective so ı liked to listen something from him. and he respect to everbody. I am not interested history too much but ı liked to listen history from him. I think he had a different teaching method. And ıt was very original. he used him voice very well. He choosed the topic which one can make us excited. Everybody was active in this lesson and ı learned lots of thinks about the other countries.

danish lesson

who is hiding under your mask?

It is my favourite lesson .Everbody know, ı will stay here 4 mounth. Last mounth, ı hope ı will join lots of drama lesson. It will be very usefull for me. Because ıf you want to be kindergarden teacher, first of all you must learn how can use your body. And than you can teach to children. It is not just for teacher, ı think everybody need this lesson. First activitiy was rhythm with plastic glass. But this time we sit on the ground and we tried to remember rhythm which one did last lesson. And than we did some rhythm with our body. It was fantactic. I know lots of rhythm with body. ( because ı had drama lesson two terms. ) But everytime ıt makes me excited. And than we learned very tradational Danish dance with accordion. First Linda teached us how can we dance. And than she played accordion and Flemin sing a song. We danced together. We learned lots of different dance. It was not too difficult so ı can teach to children. It was very enjoyable. The last dance we changed our partner every 1 minutes so ıt was guite difficult. But funny and very good. We sing some songs. Main activitiy's youngester : Embryo! We wear some mask. Linda and Flemin put some matarials on the ground. we lied down like embryo. When the music was staring, we woke up and tried to find ourselves. We used to matarials and danced slowly and tried to communicate to eacher other without voice. Wearing maske was very good for me. Because sometimes ı feel, everbody look at me so ı cant be relax to acting or singing or playing. But with maske, ı was free,nobody had got a facial expression so ı think ı explained myself very well.

Last activitiy, we listened to music and we made two groups. And than we create a story about music and than we acted together. Watch and see! -P.S. : ı am snake (:

golabalisation ann citizenship with Henrik Bækgaard

First day, everybody was sleeping(: So we were only 7 people in the classrom. So we spoke about democracy in the circle.First, Henrik wrote a massege for us to watch Obama's speech and read. We watched with Mate, Noemi. But ıt was really difficult to understand so ı watched it again, in Turkish (: We tried to find personal, national, global sentences in Obama's speech. And than we discussed together. Henrik gived us some key words and task 1: Consider how the education system in your country? We prepared something about our education system how teach to democracy and citizenship. Also we used key words which words in Obama's speech. I will put in blackboard a few days later. I and Canan spoke about ' How the Turkish people learn to being a good citizenship ' .I can give the main topics:
* with culture
*jurament which we read everyday in primary school.
*school trip
*civic lesson - ıts about human rights. They learn their rights and how can protect my rights.
Henrik gived us another task. It was about pocket movie. But We were very tired because this week we had lots of Globalisation and citizenship lessons. So we made a video together in Christina's home. In the poket movie, all the people want to eat last piece of cake. So ıt was really warm place. We was trying to find some solution and than we decided to share the cake. But first of all, we voted who want to share.And than democracy was win. So we shared cake. Happy End (:
And we watched some films and clips. They was about values and citizenship. I feel shame at my civic lesson. Because we didnt use any songs or movies. We generally read and speak about the texts. But I think ıt s not usefull for the students. So lots of students dont enjoy civic lesson.In here, student are very active. They need to read and watch and also search something about lesson. Because lesson is very interesting.Anyway we watched lots of film's part and clips ( eartsong, where is the love? )
And last task and last lesson, ''what challengas do you consider to be some of the biggest to day''
we create some groups. My group members are Elişko,Gosia and Lilla. we finished our presentation in classroom but we didnt speak about this. But I m sure Gosia will put it in blackboard.We spoke about Muhammed cartoons. I have lots of questions in my brain. So ı must think about this. Because we dont speak about people's belief. But here we speak everything so ıt is a little big heavy for me. If ı will found my answers, ı will write again.. mojn! Tak for the lesson Henrik...

Citizenship and globalisation with Torbjørn Ydegård

After the drama day, we had lesson with Torbjørn. It ıs very different for me becuse we had the same lesson but, with two different teachers. ıt is really good idea because their teaching sytle are different than each other. And we listened to lesson two different ways. I missed to first lesson because ı must go to Sonderborg for my visa. But Torbjørn was summarizing to the last lesson. So ı am lucky (: We spoke about pre modernity, modernity, late modernity and post modernity.I think important point in here was learning. In pre modernity, learning is about 'believing'.I think, ıts a kind of being blind. Dont ask any think, only believe and do something what they are want. and the main building church, of course. In modernity, learning is about trying. the main building is school ıt s better than premodernity. In late modernity, learning is about reflecting /by heart. It s not bad but not enough.The main order is rationality. In post modernitiy, learning is about taking an idea and letting it become the central theme of the scene. It ıs about selfstory, too.In here main subject 'my world' so ı think ıt is the best way. but for now, unfortunately. Because the period is always change and improved ıtself. So ı really wonder the future time (:
And democracy.. Democracy is a part of Globalisation. I can summarize democracy meaning;
*ınfluencer people-goverment
*freedom of speech ( Muhammed's cartoon) / yes ıt s impoartant for democracy but ı think, respect is important, too. I cant say, they not have to draw something. I know, ıts freedom. But ıt was really hurt me so ı thought ıf somebody want to draw some comic about religions, ıts not necessary to show all the world. I dont know..., after to speak with Henrik, my ideas is getting mix. But ıt means is good. I need to think about this./
*freedom of movement
*freedom of religion
*power come from people
*some rigts for all
And than we speak about 'Poper's Matrix'. We spoke about, individualism, collectivism,egoism and altrusim. and we learned how they are working in time period.
At the democracy, ıf we want to montajto democracy with this 4 word, It s being a circle. guarter circles are in.-ego. , in.-alt. ; coll.-ego., coll.-alt.
and than we meet with a question '' how can the school help us to use democracy? ''
ıts look like a easy question ı know, but ıf you think about this very deeply you can understant, ıt s not easy question.
ı think democracy is started with family. And than school. If the family dont be democratic ıt s very difficult for children. Because children will learn democracy in school,but the in home another sytem is working. So education is too important. In Turkey, ıt ıs very big problem. Some families live in the village and they dont know anything about democracy because they are not educated. when the their children went to school, children learn something about democracy. But ıt snot working at home! So lots of children have some problems ıf they live in small village. And also they need some special needs.
About school, we have lots of choice to teaching of democracy. Working pairs, science ( children can think democraticly with science )critical.....

Another lesson, we used different learning style.We didnt use any technological materials. We create 4 groups. And than we found a problem about learning democrasy. We prepare a theory and sign. Torbjørn wrote all of them on the blackboard. And than we discussed together. What was good for learning democracy, what was not enough to learn democrasy. I want to share my group's ( elişko and me) idea. -about kindergarden;

*Every classrom need some rules to make easy the classrom life. But every clasroom have diffrent habits.So it likes the small country. First day, teacher and children can decide rules together. Because ıf the children can choose the rules, they respect the rules and follow the rules. They are their own rules. ıf the rules can not work they can change the rules.It is very democratic.

*Teacher behavior is too important. Because ıf you love teacher,you love school,you love your classrom. So teacher must be democratic ıf he/she wants to teach democracy. ı want to give an example, in my first lesson in my deperment, ı learned this ' If you want to communicate with children, you must be in the same line with children. If you sit bigger chair than the children. They feel ' you are the boss in this school' so always try to the same line with children.And connect with eyes.

*The children must learn to wait their turn. So in my country we have lots of activities for this subject. I think group working, play games with big group can teach to waiting their turns.

*ıf the children have some arguments, teacher can not solve this problem for them. Teacher only a leader. So teacher can help them. For example, teacher can ask some question ' what do you feel when your friend take to your toy. or If somebody take to your toy what do you feel and now what can we do? you want to plat the same toy.' And than children can solve problem. Some kindergarten are have camera in classrom. And teacher use the camera for arguments. Take the cassette and watch the happening with children. They have a change to watch theirself outside. ıt was really good lesson, but ı think we need to learn something. To listen each other and respect.But generally the lesson was good. I feel myself very relax, because you can say what do you want or what do you think.

And another lesson we watch some films( but not fuul film) about democracy. And we spoke about the films. which films we watched? -'Take The Lead', ' Dead Poets Socienty ', 'Pink Floyd- The Wall ', 'Freedom Writers', 'Dangerous Minds ', 'Monalisa Smile ', 'Patch Adam's ', 'Marshall Rosemberg's speech' Important point '''observation, feelings, needs, wishes'''' It is your choise.You can choose to change your idea or not. It s up to you!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Aabenraa, drama with Linda and Flemming

We woke up early and we travelled by Mate's and Noemi' s car, of course. I think ı am very lucky to live with them because we go everywhere together, play Bonanza and Noemi is very good cooker, and also Mate is professional eating man (: so ı tried Chinesee food!Anyway, we arrived quickly and than first activity was Icebreaking and game session. We know each other, but they didnt know ours names so we played some games to learn name. Everythings is ok now. Isnt ıt? But Linda.. She is crazy! She did some rhythms and say songwhich is the 'we will rock you' and say ours names in the same time! It was very difficult. But she is not good at the remembered names so ı helped her (: we did some ryhthms with plastic glass. we used to drums for put the glass (: but dont worry we tried to play at the break :p
After the break, we carried the imaginary heavy thing and than light thing. Anja was very creative. She put the ligh thing in her pocket and than give it to Noemi in her ear (: We played some games about contact and communation without voice. And than we did some picture with group but my group's word was very difficult so nobody understood what we was doing (:

The last important activitiy SAMBA! We tried to do samba music. We used different musical instruments and different rhythms for each instruments. My rhytm was very difficult for me. Gosia tried to teach to me. Butıt was not successful. 'sorry' and tak Gosia! The next time ı will choose another instrument (:

And we learned some songs, of course. so ı want to finish my words with lyrics 'tissemyretissemaend' (: (: mojn!

'cooking and eating together' party (:

Have you ever think, one lesson can feed you ? no... But now yes! We have a cooking lesson,Cooking Danish and international food ! ı tested Hungarian and Czech food before. But this day was very different. Everybody tried to cook their best food. I and my assistant Canan cooked Burgur which is Mate and Noemi 's favaourite. We prepared a very nice dinner table. My favourite is Hungarian foods, again. If you eat Hungarian food, you never say stop to yourself So the end was not good(:And polish cheseecake, Anja's apples, Spain omlet.. I am getting hungry now (: afiyet olsun!

Monday, March 16, 2009

international week!

first day... All the first days are important for our life. First ı meet Portugal's people. And ı'm sure ı never forget them. They are very nice people. They gived us some gift for dont forget them. And I kissed alot them because we have the same culture.. KISS YOUR FRİENDS!First day we meet with a game. Write your name on the middle of paper and than write some words about you.And we try to find what does meaning this words in your life. So ı never forget 'EGG' (: We had music lesson.International students learned ' hej, goddag, hello, gutan tag,welcome, buonos dias!' we shared the same fate together (: And our history teacher who is my favourite meet to us with Haderslev historical place. But the waeather was raining ) We had lots of activities! I didnt understand how to finished this weekend. But I know every end is a new begining so ıt was special week for all of us. My favourite day was erovision song contest day! It was really funny and everbody prepared something from their countury. When ı cant imagine to live another country ( because ıt ıs very difficult in Turkey so abroad is only dream for the university's student ), ı meet lots of countries culture and people. It was guite special for me.
and time to say goodbye... ıt was very difficult. We had a party in Christina's home. '' tak Christina'' everbody said goodbye.. ı miss them. THANK YOU for eveything...
ıts my presentation and also portfolio. If I had some long time, ı can draw lots of things.(:but dont worry. ıt ıs to be continued..

And ı want to say say something about misunderstand. I and Elişka prepared a presentation about ourself for international week. We spent lots of time to make a film. So ı thought ı can put in here (: good fun!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

art lesson

art lesson... Its a great lesson. Our teacher is very pretty woman, openmind, skilfull, considerate and funny. In Turkey, some of art teachers want to do their idea. But she always respect the others idea. So we have choise and freedom! I learned some diffent tecnic, ı dont know the name but we use some plastic and than special ink. I always enjoy the art lesson expect first day. because the other student had some preparation for exam so they spoke in Danish. ıt was guite bored.But the other lessons were really good. We paint our portrait and we used lots of different ways. For example we tried to draw 5 minutes and than with colours and mirror. It was excellent!

important point: we use lots of colours and some pencils, our teachers gived us. It ıs not possible in Turkey. You always must buy your colours and papers. After the lesson she gived us papers and said ' maybe you want to draw something in your house'. ıt was great. And we can use the art clasroom when we want. And I used the clasroom a few days ago. Free coffe, bathroom, lots of rooms for some tecnics... I can spent 1 month in art building:) Tak for everything!

language and identity

my language portrait
Danish : ı choosed blue colour for this language. Because the weather is generally cold in Denmark. I paint my foot. If you want to somewhere here, espacially shop, you must know some word in Danish. If you dont know some Danish word, you can buy something wrong like me (: And I paint my thorat. Because Danish pronounciation is very difficult for me (:
Hungarian : I choosed red coluor because of PAPRİCA (: My housemates, Noemi and Mate, are from Hungary. And they use paprica every meal. I realy like the Hungarian food(: So ı paint my stomach. Cosonom Neomi and Mate! PS : If you eat Hungarian meal, you never stop. ı dont know why? After the meal, you can see my big stomach like Garfield.
Czech Republıc : I choosed this coluor because ı think ıts the best coluor for Elişka who is my housemate.And also ı paint my stomach because she cooked some Czech tradational foods.
English: I choosed this coluor because of beer. If ı drink alot, ı can speak English very well (: And also ı use my hands for writing mail and my webblog in English.
Turkish: I choosed this colour. when ı speak in Turkish, ı feel really relax and nobody understan me here so ı can say everthing in Turkish (: I paint my hair and arm. Hair; ı must stop to think in Turkish because ıts very difficult to translate in English. So Turkish must wait in my hair. Arms; In Turkey, my friends always give me big hug. When the somebody give me a big hug, ı always remember some friend's voice in Turkish...
Feelings about this exercise : It was a good exercise. You can learn your feelings about language. ıt was look like a look outside ıts own. But ı think we need a long time for this activitiy.ıf ı had sometimes, ı can add some language. But generally ıt was good and ı enjoyed alot. I can use this exercise in kindergarden. Because sometimes children dont want to speak but they always want to paint somethig so ı can use ıt.

special needs

Fist of all we did some activities like game in the circle. I'm good at..., speak each other..., give a imaginary gifts...! This activities helped to know each others feelings and know yourself and think positive. It is very good activitiy for school's first day. We learned taktil massage! We did massage with a music and a story. When Elişka did massage to me with music and story, ı really feel the story on my back (:Its really good activitiy for kindergarden. Because sometimes children need to relax and need to learn how can they wait their turn. Neomi said ıts good activitiy to go to sleep. I m agree with her. Because when Elişka finished the massage, ı nearly fall asleep (: About ADHO... It was very strange for me. Because the teachers give some pills to children. I think ıt s not necessary. And the children have a break on different times to the others -normal- children. In Turkey, ıf the doctor say ıts really need this pills, family give the pills. But the doctor always try to find another way to cure the childrens who have some problems. For example we use some activity to discharge their energy. And the children who have some ADHO problems are going to the normal public school. The teachers know this children and try to adapt the clasroom. And the doctors, family help the teachers. Because the main idea, ıf the children feel like a normal child, the improved will be easy...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fried hat!

Today, when we returned to Esbjerg, ı was very tried and ı must to tidy up my room so ı went to my room. And Neomi and Mate waas cooking something for us in the kitchen. ( ıts my hat! ) and ı forget my camera in the kitchen. Before the lunch ı came to the kitchen and ı started to look my photos which ı take today. But ı saw some diffrent photos! My hat was in the frying pan, and than fridge. And my mango was in the lamp and my shoes was cycling and going somewhere (:

This joke's owners are Mate and Neomi. I realy feel good. I like my housemate! When ı feel bad, ı know who help me! tak for the joke, good couple!

Monday, March 9, 2009

turkey&spain 'backstage'

This is my first film's backstage. We spent nearly 5 hours to make this video. Because first of all we try to creative Turkısh atmosfer.So ı cut a sun. And than we started to make the film but when we finished the first part, we saw Danish Flag back to us. And than we decided to repait first part. But ıt wasnt easy. Because when ı looked to Carlos we started to laught. Carlos try to act. And ıt was realy funny. He said ' ı'm not sure but......' we laughted again. And the last one we didnt laught but Elişka come to kitchen (: Also we tried to teach some turkish's place's name to Carlos. It was very funny for us. But Carlos was succesful to speak Turkish (: I thought, when we speak to Danish, the Danish people was laughing us but they always hide their emotions so we cant understand (:

I make up to Carlos. I tried to make a lout man to Carlos. In the video, we said to Carlos, ' please touch your moustache and look at the girl ' but Carlos undertood, ' please pick nose '. So this point was my favourite, we laugth a lot. And then we teached to Carlos how the turkish man walk to street. It was realy silly and funny.

ı really enjoy to prepare this presentation. But the next time, ı hope we can use another camera (: mojn!

danish films development...

Films mean is language! You can show your feelings with films. So we saw what did the Danish people feel?First o learned ' dogme'. I hadnt got any idea about dogme before the this lesson. But I think our film is a dogme. Why? because only use location, no studio, natural light,natural sound,no props(expect Carlos moustache), silience movie, no special, no extra light, handheld camera,.....(:

We watched some films. So ı wanted to give some information about films.

Ordet: 1954, white and black,talk with god,drama,lots of sembolism

Oisen Banden Ser Rodt: 1970, they have some plans but plans were not working, comedy

Kopenhavn: musical, ıt was very good, they use music and some movement in the same time, ıt is my favourite in which we watched today.

South Africa:Kolen Blixen

Babbetles Feust: Danish production, grey color,main caracter tabla and meal

Pele: the story was happen in the farm

Fasten: No music, focus on face, normal ligth.