Saturday, March 28, 2009

golabalisation ann citizenship with Henrik Bækgaard

First day, everybody was sleeping(: So we were only 7 people in the classrom. So we spoke about democracy in the circle.First, Henrik wrote a massege for us to watch Obama's speech and read. We watched with Mate, Noemi. But ıt was really difficult to understand so ı watched it again, in Turkish (: We tried to find personal, national, global sentences in Obama's speech. And than we discussed together. Henrik gived us some key words and task 1: Consider how the education system in your country? We prepared something about our education system how teach to democracy and citizenship. Also we used key words which words in Obama's speech. I will put in blackboard a few days later. I and Canan spoke about ' How the Turkish people learn to being a good citizenship ' .I can give the main topics:
* with culture
*jurament which we read everyday in primary school.
*school trip
*civic lesson - ıts about human rights. They learn their rights and how can protect my rights.
Henrik gived us another task. It was about pocket movie. But We were very tired because this week we had lots of Globalisation and citizenship lessons. So we made a video together in Christina's home. In the poket movie, all the people want to eat last piece of cake. So ıt was really warm place. We was trying to find some solution and than we decided to share the cake. But first of all, we voted who want to share.And than democracy was win. So we shared cake. Happy End (:
And we watched some films and clips. They was about values and citizenship. I feel shame at my civic lesson. Because we didnt use any songs or movies. We generally read and speak about the texts. But I think ıt s not usefull for the students. So lots of students dont enjoy civic lesson.In here, student are very active. They need to read and watch and also search something about lesson. Because lesson is very interesting.Anyway we watched lots of film's part and clips ( eartsong, where is the love? )
And last task and last lesson, ''what challengas do you consider to be some of the biggest to day''
we create some groups. My group members are Elişko,Gosia and Lilla. we finished our presentation in classroom but we didnt speak about this. But I m sure Gosia will put it in blackboard.We spoke about Muhammed cartoons. I have lots of questions in my brain. So ı must think about this. Because we dont speak about people's belief. But here we speak everything so ıt is a little big heavy for me. If ı will found my answers, ı will write again.. mojn! Tak for the lesson Henrik...

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