Monday, March 9, 2009

turkey&spain 'backstage'

This is my first film's backstage. We spent nearly 5 hours to make this video. Because first of all we try to creative Turkısh atmosfer.So ı cut a sun. And than we started to make the film but when we finished the first part, we saw Danish Flag back to us. And than we decided to repait first part. But ıt wasnt easy. Because when ı looked to Carlos we started to laught. Carlos try to act. And ıt was realy funny. He said ' ı'm not sure but......' we laughted again. And the last one we didnt laught but Elişka come to kitchen (: Also we tried to teach some turkish's place's name to Carlos. It was very funny for us. But Carlos was succesful to speak Turkish (: I thought, when we speak to Danish, the Danish people was laughing us but they always hide their emotions so we cant understand (:

I make up to Carlos. I tried to make a lout man to Carlos. In the video, we said to Carlos, ' please touch your moustache and look at the girl ' but Carlos undertood, ' please pick nose '. So this point was my favourite, we laugth a lot. And then we teached to Carlos how the turkish man walk to street. It was realy silly and funny.

ı really enjoy to prepare this presentation. But the next time, ı hope we can use another camera (: mojn!

danish films development...

Films mean is language! You can show your feelings with films. So we saw what did the Danish people feel?First o learned ' dogme'. I hadnt got any idea about dogme before the this lesson. But I think our film is a dogme. Why? because only use location, no studio, natural light,natural sound,no props(expect Carlos moustache), silience movie, no special, no extra light, handheld camera,.....(:

We watched some films. So ı wanted to give some information about films.

Ordet: 1954, white and black,talk with god,drama,lots of sembolism

Oisen Banden Ser Rodt: 1970, they have some plans but plans were not working, comedy

Kopenhavn: musical, ıt was very good, they use music and some movement in the same time, ıt is my favourite in which we watched today.

South Africa:Kolen Blixen

Babbetles Feust: Danish production, grey color,main caracter tabla and meal

Pele: the story was happen in the farm

Fasten: No music, focus on face, normal ligth.

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