first day... All the first days are important for our life. First ı meet Portugal's people. And ı'm sure ı never forget them. They are very nice people. They gived us some gift for dont forget them. And I kissed alot them because we have the same culture.. KISS YOUR FRİENDS!First day we meet with a game. Write your name on the middle of paper and than write some words about you.And we try to find what does meaning this words in your life. So ı never forget 'EGG' (: We had music lesson.International students learned ' hej, goddag, hello, gutan tag,welcome, buonos dias!' we shared the same fate together (: And our history teacher who is my favourite meet to us with Haderslev historical place. But the waeather was raining )
We had lots of activities! I didnt understand how to finished this weekend. But I know every end is a new begining so ıt was special week for all of us.
My favourite day was erovision song contest day! It was really funny and everbody prepared something from their countury. When ı cant imagine to live another country ( because ıt ıs very difficult in Turkey so abroad is only dream for the university's student ), ı meet lots of countries culture and people. It was guite special for me.
and time to say goodbye... ıt was very difficult. We had a party in Christina's home. '' tak Christina'' everbody said goodbye.. ı miss them. THANK YOU for eveything...
ıts my presentation and also portfolio. If I had some long time, ı can draw lots of things.(:but dont worry. ıt ıs to be continued..
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