- Special needs
At this kindergarden 4 children need special needs. 3 children, one of parents from another country. So they listen two languages. They have some problem about Danish language for example they dont know how can they say one car ( bill) or two cars.In danish ıf you want to say two cars, the word is chanching so you must listen too much for learning. And special needs programme was about language,words,concentrate, cognizance and forecasting . One child has some psychological problems. He cant communicate the other people and he cant concentrate. He just lives him world. So teachers want to combine to him with the other children.
Pedagogist came nearly at 10 oclock. And she did some activities for two children. She comes to kindergarden one times of week.Generally they do the activities for all special needs children but today they only did activies for two children.First activity was like memory card. She put the cards on the table. ( 2 bill card, 2 cykell. 2 bus....) they choosed a card and than they tried to find the same card. And the pedagogist said one bill after when they find the other card she said two bill. And they learn the pronounciation to plural things and also learned vehicles' names.
- Theater
today, blue group showed the performance to other children. They were realy excited and successful.
- Fjelstrup Boornehuset Læreplan 2008-2011
They have a plan for give the goverment and also families.ıt has got 20 pages. Because they need to know kindergarden's teaching method. They prepare a plan for 4 years with pedagogs. They must give this plan to families. They use Howard Gardner's theory for teaching and also they use '' Jonh Bowlby,Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud,Margaret Mahler, Jean Piaget, Vygotskij....''
The plan has 6 main topic. Every topic has some keywords. And what kind of activities they will do and finally what the children will learn.
- Personality intelligence
- Social intelligance ( sociale kompetencer)
- Language intelligence ( sproglig)
- Cultural and visuel intelligence ( kulturelle/musiske+rummelig visuel)
- Nature and logistic, mathematical intelligence ( natur+ logisk matematisk/rummelig visuel)
- Movement of motor intelligence ( krop-bevægelse/ kropslig/motorisk)
I learned lots of detail about this plan. If you are interested in this plan , please contact with me.Mojn!
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